Sankalp Karthi .


I want to automate as much as possible. Tell me Economy, Innovation and Humanity are free from each other, then I shall stop.

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Who doesn't want to see the creation, our mother gaia to its fullest? While engineering occasionally I'm definitely packing my bags to the woods, beaches and mountains. Haven't documented anything yet, so here's my until then.

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I have no philosophies. I keep changing, evolving to be accurate. How do I measure it? How inclusive I'm of creation I guess. Atleast that's the stage I'm in now. I'm sure it would be different soon. Don't worry, I love you guys the most, I'll take good care of humanity, that's a promise.

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In current mathematical research you look at these journals filled with theorem after theorem, and it seems like all this mathematics coming down the pipeline is enough to blow you over. But really, all this research is like a big snowstorm, and after the snowstorm you are looking at three or four feet of snow -- all very imposing and somewhat overwhelming. That is like what you see in printed journals. But with time that snow melts down and you end up with just a couple of inches of water. That water is the essence, the core, of what was actually accompalished.